Climbing on the Telltale Heart at Ravens Crag in Banff Alberta 5.13a

The Hangboard Protocol That Worked for Me

Hangboarding is one of those training tools that is extremely effective, but it is tricky to get right in terms of intensity, frequency, and balance with other forms of training and climbing. When I first started hangboarding, I had just sent my first 5.13 which at the time felt like the absolute limit of my…

How to Climb 5.13 // Part II

In my last post, I talked about my journey from my first days climbing at Wasootch, to my first 5.10a later that season in 2012 to my first 5.12b and 5.12c in 2014 and 2016. This post covers the training season leading up to my first 5.13a in June of 2018. Toes in the Water…

25 Ski Touring Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ski touring (or Backcountry skiing) has exploded over the past decade. Some estimate put the number near 6,000,000 self-powered powder junkies out there in the US. But with this growth comes a lot of aspiring backcountry travellers trying to learn how to get into ski touring/backcountry skiing. While it’s a relatively simple sport to access…