Craig Climbing the final pitch of the ultra classic dreambed on Yamnuska (5.11b, trad)

Dreambed (5.11b) on Yamnuska

Rock Climbing on Yamnuska has a well-deserved reputation for being terrifying, with Yamnuska itself having a reputation for being a bit of a horrifying choss pile. Even some of the easier routes offer a pretty harrowing experience in some cases with complex route finding, tricky gear, and no shortage of loose rock. Dreambed is a…

Minotaur Direct, 5.11+, Snowpatch East Face, Bugaboos Provincial Park (Topo & Description)

Minotaur Direct (5.11+, IV) – is a serious, but world-class 16-pitch alpine granite rock climb located on the East face of Snowpatch Spire in Bugaboos Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. This climb was first established in 2016 by Jon Walsh, Colin Moorhead, and Michelle Kadatz. Sadly, the original website has disappeared from the web…

The Tall Storey (8 pitches, 5.11c)

It has always been a dream of mine to climb a massive, unbroken, slightly overhanging wall. It was one of the main motivations for me to improve as a climber, so that one day I could access these routes. Back in 2015, I climbed The Tall Storey, a route that offered all that I was…