Stanley Headwall Climbing – Sport & Multipitch Topo

The Stanley Headwall is a wildly impressive limestone big wall located in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, right on the Alberta/BC Border in Kootenay National Park. It is one of the most storied and infamous alpine big walls in the world – best known historically for its world-class ice & mixed climbing routes such as Nemesis (WI6), Suffer Machine (WI5+ M7) & the God Delusion (M8+ WI5). A segment of the film “The Alpinist” features Marc Andre-Leclarc free soloing the mixed line “Nightmare on Wolf Street” on this wall.

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Stanley Headwall Climbing Conditions

The season for these climbs typically stretches from mid-June to mid-September, however as this is a high alpine crag, this varies wildly with the weather and snowpack. Some years you can climb at Gery’s as early as May or as late as October, but some years it is still soaked until July and can be too cold by early September. Be prepared for anything!

The History of Rock Climbing at the Stanley Headwall

In recent years the wall has become increasingly popular as a July & August rock climbing destination thanks to a small group of motivated route developers including the late (and very great) Gery “The Wolverine” Unterasinger who first started to put real effort into developing the wall with the help of many friends. The late Dave Thompson, one of the Bow Valley’s most prolific and visionary route developers, first discovered the wall. However, it was not further developed until the summer of 2020 when Gery and friends began the process.

In fact both Dave & Gery’s route development gear still sits in buckets at the bottom of the wall, a small memorial shrine to these two incredible beacons of light in Bow Valley climbing history. It was actually Gery’s wish that the wall become known as the “Dave Thompson Memorial Wall”, however, the wall has more affectionately become known as “Gery’s Wall“, a place where many of his friends can go to find a little piece of his spirit living on.

Notable contributions to route development at the crag and surrounding walls include Matt Burrus, Craig McGee & Lindsay Anderson, Mason Tessier, Dexter Bateman, Francois Bergeron, Matt Laird, Tristan Berendt, and many others. With the collective tour de force that has helped to evolve the area, the walls on either side of the Nemesis waterfall now host close to 35 routes, ranging from 5.9 to 5.13d, with a very high concentration in the 5.12 range. To this day, more routes are being developed every year.

The Stanley Headwall features a very unique and specific flavor of highly compact Dolomite limestone, ranging from Eldon Limestone near the top of the wall, through, Stephen Shale, and finally Cathedral Dolomite at the bottom according to Ben Gadd’s book Handbook of the Canadian Rockies. This rock makes for some mind-blowing vertical face climbing on mostly perfect, extremely compact stone and makes the mostly 30m pitches at the Stanley Headwall among some of the best you will find anywhere in Canada, if not the world.

In addition, the location is world-class, high in the alpine with wild sweeping views of the headwall itself, the overhanging glaciers above, and extraordinary waterfalls all around. The alpine locale makes this one of the best summer crags, however, the late seepage and early alpine cold means that the season is incredibly short. The wall often only becomes climbable in July, and is much to cold by late August or early September.

The Climbs

The climbs are roughly divided into two sectors, split by the Nemesis waterfall at the far left (west) side of the North facing Stanley Headwall. The Adventure Sector is left of the waterfall and features several high-quality multi-pitches along with a few shorter hard sport climbs. The right side includes a few significant multi-pitches and the main sport climbing zone currently known as “Gery’s Crag”

Stanley Headwall Rock Climbing Areas Overview - Sport Crag, Arch Enemy, and the Adventure Sector
Stanley Headwall Rock Climbing Areas Overview – Sport Crag, Arch Enemy, and the Adventure Sector

Gery’s Crag

Gery’s Crag was primarily developed by the late Gery Unterasinger and features around 22 single-pitch routes, mostly in the 5.12 range with a few outliers in the 5.13 and 5.10-5.11 range. The crag also features one notable 5.9 on the right side, with a great deal of potential for more easy/moderate route development on the fringes of the main wall.

This wall is extremely high quality. Routes are dead vertical or slightly overhanging, and typically quite sustained, most rising close to 30 meters tall. The entire crag is comprised of bullet-hard dolomite limestone, with interesting features. The bolting is good but spaced. The routes manage to be exciting and a touch spicy without being dangerous or scary. Stick clip is highly recommended as most routes start in the slightly chossy band to the first bolt.


This sector also includes the incredible Arch Enemy (5.11d) about 50m to the left of Gery’s Crag, as well as several much longer and more serious summertime rock climbing multi-pitches off to the right.

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Topo last updated 2023

Stanley Headwall Sport Climbing Topo by Jonny Coe

Adventure Sector

The adventure sector features a range of high-quality short and medium-length multi-pitches in the 5.11+ and 5.12 range. Some of these routes require a selection of gear, while others require a short 4th-class scramble to get to the base of the main climbs. Disclaimer: All of these routes are relatively serious in nature due to their difficulty, location, and approach/descent considerations. Do not attempt any of the routes in the Adventure Sector unless you have the relevant capabilities and are experienced climbing in the 5.11 range on trad gear in an alpine environment.


The Adventure Sector - Stanley Fever, Livin' in Paradise, and others
The Adventure Sector at the Stanley Headwall

Arch Enemy, 5.11d

I cover this route as its own post and topo – see Arch Enemy, 7 Pitches, 5.11d for topo and route description

Tombstone, 5.13d

Mason Tessier, 2022 – Sharing the first few bolts of Living In Paradise this line continues straight up the prominent feature where LIP breaks right. Climb through the orange rock on perfectly sculpted holds to a good rest below the final Headwall. From here the wall kicks back and hard sustained moves guard the anchor. A striking king line to test your endurance. Descent: The mid anchor is a lowering station that you can use to lower twice with a full 70m rope. Tie knots. This route was not pitched out but climbed as one monster pitch! 18 bolts, 45 meters

YOLO Amigos, 5.12d

Marcus Norman, 2022 – Starts a few metres right of Living in Paradise MP, and tackles the amazing white and black streaks. Since it’s almost 50m there is a lower-off station at 2/3 height to get down with a 70m cord. It’s also set up to be an alternate start to the multi-pitch lines – with a higher set of bolts over the lip. 16 bolts, 49 meters

Escape from Reality, 5.12c

Mason Tessier, 2022 – This route is actually called ‘Escape From Reality’ which is exactly what climbing at Stanley feels like. Easy climbing leads to excellent sustained rock that when the rock looks blank escape left. 18 bolts, unknown length (approximately 50m)

Eugene seconding Pitch 2 (5.11b/c) of Stanley Fever | Stanley Headwall, 2023

Stanley Fever

5.11d, 132m, bolts + gear

Established by Gery Unterasinger, 2019. Start around 100m left of Nemesis, just below and left of the lower, rightmost obvious triangular yellow roof. Rappel route on single 60m rope. All anchors are fixed for rappel. Gear: 11 draws + small rack of cams 0.3 – #2. Bring a helmet. All information is approximate.

Pitch 1 – 5.11d, 30m – A pumpy start! Carefully climb loose 5.9ish pillar passing two bolts and clipping but not stopping at the first anchor ~10m up. Make a sequence up and right, then follow sustained climbing and a final short crux at the last bolt to a semi-hanging belay at a large white flake. From here, it is a 30m rappel on a single 60m rope. 11 Bolts, no gear.

Pitch 2 – 5.11b/c, 29m – Sustained with a tricky crux. Follow 3 bolts, then step left to better rock and good gear in a good crack. Avoid the dirtier crack to the right. Climb up and clip 2 pitons (top one loose), and make a cruxy tricky traverse right to better holds and a stance. From here, follow sustained climbing up the crack, placing gear, then passing 2 more bolts and a piton to a funky mantle, and a comfortable sit-down ledge/anchor. 5 bolts, 2 pitons + gear.

Pitch 3 – 5th Class, 22m – Climb up 3m to a bolt, then head right up easy but loose 5th class terrain. Follow the easiest line up until you can move back left to a comfortable ledge and an anchor in the corner to the left. Do not continue right up the very big corner.

Pitch 4 – 5.11a, 25m – Follow steep stemming corner through 5 bolts, avoiding loose flakes on the left. Step left and follow easy 5.8 to the anchor at a comfy ledge with Optional gear. 5 bolts + optional gear.

Pitch 5 – 5.11b, 26m – An absolutely amazing pitch! Head right immediately from the anchors great holds around the arete and follow good rock to a short-lived crux at the 2nd bolt (move right slightly around the arete for better holds). Swim up the rest of this glorious pitch, placing great gear and passing a final bolt before arriving at a “clip and go” anchor where you can lower back to the ledge. 4 bolts + 1 piton + gear.

Rappel the route with a 60m rope.

Livin’ in Paradise

5.12a, 120m, bolts + gear

Established by Lindsay Anderson & Craig McGee, 2020. Start around 50m left of Stanley Fever, scrambling up a bit of Chossy 4th class to an anchor just past a yellow roof. Rappel route on double 60m ropes or walk off to the left with caution. Rappel the route on double ropes starting at the final anchor – 28m, 25m, 17m, 55m and finally 20m to the ground. Gear: 11 draws + cams 0.3 – #1 + Helmet

Pitch 1 – 5.9, 20m, 6 bolts – Follow bolts up easy 5.9 slab to an anchor at the base of the steep yellow wall.

Pitch 2 – 5.11c, 35m, 11 bolts + optional gear – Climb excellent grey limestone to a steep, rightward leaning crack with optional gear to a belay. Bring your second up and move the belay to the left.

Pitch 3 – 5.5, 17m, 4 bolts – Scramble up easy terrain past 4 bolts to another anchor

Pitch 4 – 5.10a, 25m, 7 bolts – Climb excellent limestone past 7 bolts to anchor.

Pitch 5 – 5.12a, 28m, 9 bolts – Climb moderate terrain to a well protected crux move on a tricky/slippery fingerlock. Move up to a good hold, and enjoy immaculate black stone with good pro to the top of the wall. Rappel the route as per above.

The incredible Stanley Headwall
The incredible Stanley Headwall

Remembering the Wolverine

Gery Unterasinger “The Wolverine” was a legendary figure in the Bow Valley Climbing Scene. His booming laugh, wide infectious smile, and his imposing grizzled demeanor were ever present, seemingly everywhere all at once, no matter which crag you decided to head to for the day. He could often be spotted warming up by dispatching every nearby 5.12 in approach shoes before lighting up a cigarette and jugging up a nearby fixed line with his drill to craft another 5 star 5.13 masterpiece. Gery singlehandedly developed hundreds of routes across numerous crags, often finding the most incredible rock imaginable in some wildly unfathomable setting.

Gery was born in Lienz, Austria, and originally made his mark becoming the youngest Austrian Mountain guide in history at the age of 20. He eventually moved to Canada where he called the Bow Valley home. He joined CMH, becoming a highly revered ski and alpine guide for multiple decades. He balanced his time between fatherhood, guiding across Canada and Europe, extensive route developing, and still managing to get out and send hard route after hard route.

Gery first began developing rock routes at the Stanley Headwall sometime in 2019. He started with Stanley fever, the evervescent 5-pitch king line to the left of Nemesis, before shifting his attention to the perfectly clean grey dolomite limestone off to the right later in 2020. He quickly got to developing around 20 routes with the help of some friends, ushering in the age of summer rock climbing at the Stanley Headwall. The wall, originally called “Sector Nemesis” has come to be affectionately known as Gery’s Crag, in memory of The Wolverine, and is certainly one of the most incredible venues for 5.12 and 5.13 sport climbing anywhere in Canada.

Gery passed away suddenly in 2022 at the age of 52 in his home. Gery was a beloved member of the local community, and his passing came as a shock to all who knew and loved him.

Gery’s spirit will live on indefinitely at the Stanley Headwall. The impeccable routes he created here are his magnum opus, capping off his great lifetime legacy, and serving as the final conclusion to his immense impact and love for the valley. If you sit just below the Nemesis waterfall and listen carefully enough, you can hear his echoing laughter bouncing off the nearby walls, and feel his passion in the spray of the waterfall permeating the valley.

A 6h layover in Frankfurt gives me a chance to reflect on a great climbing Summer in the Canadian Rockies. Amongst many other the places, the Stanley Headwall definitely holds a special place in my ❤️. This is one of the many great shots of @cmcgeeski of one of the many awesome lines, a 5.12b/c called ,Distance to Empty’. Thanks to all the climbing partners who put up with me during the past few months

– Gery Unterasinger, August 2020

4 thoughts on “Stanley Headwall Climbing – Sport & Multipitch Topo

  1. Pingback: Arch Enemy (5.11d) on the Stanley Headwall – A new modern classic - Alpine Journals

  2. Nice article.
    Consider adding all the new lines to your topo for Adventure Sector. The Wolverine, Magic Compass, Wolverine Petting Zoo.
    And – I wouldn’t necessarily agree w needing to be solid on 5.12 gear for these routes – lots of bolts and good pro – so don’t be scared away by the grades.

    • Modified a bit – thanks for the reply. The disclaimer bit is to hopefully avoid folks getting in over their heads.

      Looking for information on The Wolverine / Magic Compass! If you or anyone else has beta, i’d love to add it to this article.

      • Sorry – just saw this.
        The pitch breakdowns are on Sendage. I can email you a photo topo, or draw the lines if you like. Craig posted all the info on Sendage for his line Wolverine Petting Zoo. Sendage also has info on Sectumsempra and 8 Weddings courtesy of Dexter. themarcusnorman at gmail dot com

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